How I manifest money!

Art Smith
4 min readMay 25, 2021


Money was always a big deal for me. A lack of it had dictated every decision in my life, from college to where I lived to whom I met.

Imagine you have twenty dollars in your pocket and you have to stretch it over the weekend. Where do you hang out?

Yes, you chug your beer alone at home or at a seedy suburban bar. How does that make you feel? More importantly, whom do you meet in these circumstances? Successful people? Rich people? No.

Like begets like.

You’ll manifest the people around you and they you. If you don’t do anything, you’ll become indiscernible from the others.

If you want to become richer, doing nothing is not an option.

A little money can go a long way. You have more choices, you have more time, you have more energy to live the best version of yourself.

I had none of these at my retail job.

That is till I learnt about manifestation. And I have never looked back.

How to manifest money is a question everyone has.

Ask sceptics and they will tell you it can’t be done. They are wrong.

Thousands of people have done it and continue to manifest money every day. These people are everywhere, from every country. Just yesterday, I saw this comment on YouTube and I admit I cried a little.

I am living proof that money manifestation is possible. Many people like AJ, Hicks, Mary Kate, and many others shaped my world and I’m eternally grateful to them for opening my eyes to manifestation.

So, what should you know?

  • If you’re unfamiliar with manifestation, start learning. There are a ton of videos. Or, talk to people who know.
  • Don’t expect to manifest a million dollars out of thin air in your sleep. After 5 years, I still haven’t though I am close.
  • Start small. After you begin your manifestation journey, (yes, it is a journey but it is worth it, like a journey to Switzerland) your small will build up and your large bets will pay off.

That’s it.

How I manifested $200 in 3 days

Yes, I did. 5 years ago. That’s when I became a true believer in the power of manifestation and the laws of attraction.

What did I do?

I did something I had never done before. I picked up a lottery ticket. I barely had a thousand dollars in my account, yet I chose to spend my money on a lottery ticket.

I distinctly remember the event. The lottery had a Tuesday drawing around 10 or 11 PM. I was at home nursing a beer and anxiously waiting for the drawing.

Guess what? I got diddly squat!

Needless to say, I was perplexed and quite down. I had been slowly getting into manifesting at that time and YouTube videos had convinced me that there was no way I could lose.

Thankfully, I only betted a tenner, instead of $100.

That Wednesday was when I truly introspected. Probably for the first time in my life.

I sat down in my room after work and did everything the manifestation masters had taught me. I thought about what I wanted and visualised it. I spent time visualising how I will get there.

On Thursday, I registered for a course. $350. An investment in my future. I will probably get around to this later.

I opened my Manifestation e-book. I had only skimmed through it before and never really put my heart and soul into it.

That Thursday and Friday, I did. I actively practiced everything from the guide. For 36 hours.

It was Friday night and I was in my room, reading that ebook for the second time in two days. I was at an inflection point, I felt. Something told me this was a key moment in my life and that I had to seize it.

Carpe diem I think is the saying.

It was quite late when my phone beeped. It was an SMS.

I had just won $200 on my online lottery ticket.

What? How? I was surprised, excited and incredulous all at the same time.

It turned out I had bought my lottery in a 2 for 1 drawing offer. I hadn’t even registered it at that time.

In short, I had won the lottery on my second try. What are the odds of that?

That’s when I realised the power of manifestation. It puts the odds is your favor. The more faith you have, the more the odds are in your favor.

That’s the story of how I manifested $200.

I have never looked back.



Art Smith

Full-time believer in the law of attraction and manifestation, aspiring happy millionaire.