Lottery to lottery: my early days of manifesting money

Art Smith
2 min readMay 26, 2021


Let’s face it. Most people have trouble manifesting money in your life. I’m sure you do too. All of us would would love to make more money, become rich and have more wealth. But many of you don;t have a good relationship with money or luck.

That is what leads to trouble manifesting money and wealth into their lives. For such people, financial success is elusive.

I used to be one of those people.

That’s where Law of Attraction made the difference.

My now inseparable e-book made it abundantly clear that the Law of Attraction was the one way to change my relationship with money.

The bolt-out-of-the-blue $300 lottery win changed many things for me. I became serious about manifestation and I doubled down on it. My conviction around the whole idea of attraction and manifestation strengthened around that time.

I activated the Law of Attraction first by believing in it and its ability to change my life, luck, and wealth. I got rid of outdated ideas which say that money does not grow on trees or that luck is temporary.

As I continued my money manifestation journey, I constantly visualized myself on the other side. As a winner. I was clear about my affirmations:

  1. I deserved luck.
  2. I deserved money.
  3. I deserved the freedom the money would give me.
  4. I deserved to be happy.
  5. I deserved to give me and my family the life we deserved by being good people.

My vision board had clear goals. I remember my early goal at that time was to win $300 every month from my lotteries.

I was not foolish but I was hopeful. Take a look at my lottery winnings from those first few months:

How I manifested money with law of attraction
How much money I manifested with the lottery

Even I couldn’t believe it at that time. On average, I won $250 every month. That wasn’t bad at all.

Of course, I wasn’t rich but I was manifesting money every week. That’s all that mattered to me.

So, what did I do to start consistently manifesting money?

  1. I never stopped visualizing.
  2. I at least skimmed the ebook every week.
  3. I never changed my lottery site.
  4. I never changed my schedule — always Tuesday, Friday. The same lottery every week.
  5. I closed my eyes, visualized, and let the universe point the winning numbers to me.
  6. I always sat in the same place while buying my tickets.
  7. More importantly, I never stopped practicing and believing.

If you are all somehow waiting for providence to come and dump money on your lap, it is not going to happen. Providence helps those who take action.

Are you ready to take action?



Art Smith

Full-time believer in the law of attraction and manifestation, aspiring happy millionaire.